Meet the New Face of the Anti-Gun Debate

Analysis by Kyle A. Lohmeier

That it is impossible for an intelligent person to comprehend the mindset of a modern liberal about goes without saying. As such, figuring out the truly bizarre display liberals put on yesterday at the University of Texas is nearly impossible for someone not already steeped in the culture of perennial victimhood. Those who see the world as it is, just saw a bunch of young, dumb people waving rubber dicks round yesterday in some weird attempt to make a point.

For those unaware, a bunch of misinformed morons decided to protest the most pro-active student safety initiative any school can endorse – allowing concealed carry on and throughout campus – by holding a “Cocks not Glocks” demonstration. Because, to the Left, all automatic pistols are “Glocks.”

“‘It’s supposed to be a safe space but I don’t feel safe,’ Mia Barrera, a sophomore UT student said of campus carry. ‘Why give them guns? Especially when a school is supposed to be a safe place. It doesn’t feel very safe knowing that there are kids who can bring guns on campus,’” reads a piece of a transcript from KXAN-NBC.

Apparently, Ms. Barrera was unaware that kids were ALREADY bringing guns onto campus, bad kids with the sole intent of doing harm. The ones she’s now actively protesting against are good kids with guns, intent on not harming anyone, and whose mere presence serves as a proven deterrent to those who’d think to commit a violent crime; good luck guessing who’s got a revolver and who’s got a rubber dick on them. But, logic is lost, indeed wasted, on recent high-school grads who think they know something about the world, as adorable as that is.8-26-16 dildos 2.jpg

In fact, the only remotely clever part of the entire protest was a flag with an outline of a dildo on it that looked a bit like a cannon and a twist on the translation of Molon Labe over it: “Take it and Come.”

More clever still was the way the campus student group, Students for Concealed Carry handled the protest from their Facebook page and thereby won the Internet for the day.

“In keeping with the organization’s long-held position that individuals should enjoy the same rights on college campuses as virtually everywhere else, Students for Concealed Carry fully endorses the burgeoning movement of Texas college students who wish to openly carry oversized dildos on campus. If carrying a phallus to class helps you express yourself, go for it. We welcome this demonstration that freedom of speech and concealed carry of handguns can coexist on the same campus. SCC does recommend, however, that students use their dildos for political or recreational purposes only. Using a dildo as a defensive weapon could classify it as a “club,” which, under Texas law, is illegal to carry in public and constitutes a felony if carried into a building on campus. Although SCC’s opinion shouldn’t be taken as legal advice, we feel that Texas students are on pretty solid legal ground as long as they use their dildos only as expressions of free speech or for the manufacturers’ intended purpose,” Brian Bensimon, Students for Concealed Carry Director for the state of Texas, commented; and then, one imagines, dropped the mic and walked away.

The only real interesting thing about the entire vapid demonstration was how many hackneyed clichés they could cram into one off-base display. If there’s anything more tired, more banal than the ancient, dusty, idiotic refrain that guns are “steel penises” or “dick replacements” or are in anyway “phallic” I can’t imagine what it is. Yet, such tiredness was the basis of the entire Lefty student protest, imagine that.

Even more tired is the damn argument itself. One has to think that at some point the Left will wake up, take a Statistics 101 course, and figure out that everything they’ve ever pushed for, advocated and believed in when it comes to guns has been exactly wrong and counterproductive. One would suspect they’d have had to crunch these simple numbers and gotten the only possible result already; which makes their mindless persistence even more difficult to fathom. One cannot help suspect a general disingenuousness; that they’re not just opposed to guns here, or guns there, they’re ultimately opposed to civilian gun ownership, and ending it outright is their real goal. It can’t be about reducing violent crime, because, after all, their ideas always lead to more of it.

So, in the end, it seems rather fitting that the newest, freshest faces of the anti-gun movement are a bunch of young dildos waving rubber dicks around. Quite apropos.

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