Opinion by Kyle A. Lohmeier
I have, as regular visitors to the website will have noticed, not devoted any of my 0s and 1s to the topic of the ongoing confirmation battle over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh up to now. There’s been a myriad of reasons for this, but mostly I just find political theater boring anymore. And, that’s all this is. The pro-wrestling-level of the script has democrats still stinging from Republicans not voting on Merrick Garland, whom Obama nominated to a vacancy in the waning days of his regime. So, the story goes, the Democrats are bound and determined to push back on any Trump nominee, particularly a rapey, gropey, drinky one.
Of course, to the Trump faithful, any resistance to their orange god’s dictates is cause for vitriolic freak outs, minimum. So, of course the rancor they feel toward the democrat resistance is directed personally now at Dr. Christine Blasey Ford; whom is Kavanaugh’s chief accuser of high school gropey wrongdoing, at least for now.
In fact, the vast majority of the media attention that has been focused on this matter – and there’s been an awful lot of it – has centered upon her accusations, his defense against them and on Kavanugh’s drinking habits, then and now. What’s gotten scant little attention from either the Faux News side or the CNN/MSNBC side are Mr. Kavanugh’s political views – other than the assumption that he’s hostile to Roe v. Wade. And, he doubtlessly is.
Perhaps more alarming, however, is the fact that Brett Kavanugh is not just hostile to the Fourth Amendment, but is an actual enemy thereof, according to Judge Andrew Napolitano, Equally awful is the fact that Kavanaugh doesn’t seem to understand what simple words in English mean as he’s of the opinion that the government can ban any guns that aren’t “in common use” despite there being no such corresponding verbiage to be had anywhere in the Second Amendment. He’s stated unequivocally that machine guns can be banned. Since congress doesn’t know anything about guns anyway and routinely makes up terms like “assault weapon,” having such a weak-ass justice on the bench should be a conservative’s worst nightmare.
Yet, despite this, many among the Trump faithful appear willing to kill to get this enemy of human rights onto the court.
And it was here that the whole Kavanaugh appointment circus finally got interesting.
Let’s be real; Donald Trump isn’t really a politician. I’ll bet what’s left of my hair that he hasn’t been paying any attention whatsoever to the careers of federal judges over the last decade or so. It’s not like he was just waiting for one of the elder SCOTUS Justices to keel over because he had Kavanaugh’s name on the tip of his tongue, just dying to nominate him because he’s been following Brett’s career for years. Yes, technically Brett Kavanaugh is Trump’s nominee, but he sure isn’t Trump’s pick – that dictate came from deeper within the government.
So, what’s interesting about this whole thing really has nothing to do with Ford, Kavanaugh or their respective testimonies – again, that’s pro-wrestling grade entertainment for the masses. What’s fascinating is that the government’s propagandists managed to dupe Republicans into vitriolically supporting a SCOTUS nominee who is hostile to their privacy and right to own firearms. And, all they had to do in order to get Pavlov’s partisans to slaver over Kavanaugh was to frame his nomination in the conservative media as “Trump vs. The World, Again.”
From an academic standpoint, this expert manipulation of the masses by government’s propaganda arms is truly something to see. The way the members of Trump’s cult of personality were just so expertly and homogeneously moved to anger and action is truly awe-inspiring. Albeit, awe-inspiring in that same terrifying way that standing upon the decks of the ships observing the Bikini Atoll thermonuclear blast tests must have been awe-inspiring.
And, the fallout will be just as toxic.
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