Why Gun-Control Puppets Hate Gun-Owners: We’re Not ‘Sad Enough’

Here, cynically-manipulated dupes hold signs featuring fallacious and/or nonsensical statements as they demand less freedom.

Opinion by Kyle A. Lohmeier

Last week I wrote about how this nation’s 80+-million gun owners have had enough indeed of having to answer for atrocities none of us committed just because we happen to own rifles of similar functionality as the one used in Parkland. Florida on Feb. 14. And, as I’ve said before, I tend to spend too much time in closed Facebook groups getting a feel for what nonsense the really worked-up people are spewing on any given topic. Of course, given recent events, most are still twitching furiously on the ends of their strings about the “need” for more “gun control.”

Objectively, of course, those advocating for more gun laws are just wrong about everything, so, they tend to run out of real arguments pretty quickly. This leaves them then only fallacious, emotional flailing as they get their feels all spun up. As such, this week alone I’ve been told that: I hate kids; because of me, kids are no longer this nation’s future; I want to somehow have sexual relations with my guns and this desire is greater than that of seeing any child actually grow up; I’m paranoid, evil, frightened and, of course – wait for it – I have a tiny little penis (which, I imagine would be required to successfully copulate with a .223-bore rifle).

Through the fog of ad hominems, straw-men, false dichotomies, gas-lighting attempts and other abuses of logic and reason this week, I managed to – I think – put my finger upon exactly what has the lefties so much more emotional at us gun-owners than usual.

We’re not sad enough.

We didn’t march against human rights this weekend. We haven’t pledged to sacrifice our guns and freedoms upon their altar of feels. We haven’t gone on social media and virtue-signaled our highly selective outrage by wailing and gnashing our teeth and rending our pistol targets. We haven’t added our voices to the vapid chorus crying out for the government to crush down on them yet harder.

This, to the lefty, is an even bigger affront than disagreeing with them on a random Tuesday when the headlines aren’t still full of school-shooting related propaganda. When their media puppeteers demand raging feels about something, to remain unmoved is a cardinal sin to the orthodox leftist. To actively hold an opposing viewpoint is akin to declaring holy war. Indeed, how dare we mere mortals use our own minds and think differently than the way the hive-mind of the orthodox left has been instructed to? This, dear friends, is what they’re so mad about; not that their rage is impotent, because it is, but because we all don’t share it with them. Because, after all, we can and do think for ourselves – the single biggest mortal sin, according to orthodox leftism.

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